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How Do I Update My Domain’s WHOIS Information?

What is WHOIS Information?

WHOIS information includes the contact details of the domain owner, such as name, email, phone number, and address. Keeping this information updated is crucial to maintaining domain ownership and receiving important notifications.

Steps to Update WHOIS Information

  1. Log Into Your Client Area
    • Use your username and password to access your domain registrar’s client area.
  2. Navigate to Domain Management
    • In the menu, locate and click on the “Domains” or “Domain Management” section.
  3. Select the Domain
    • Find the domain you want to update and click on its settings or management link.
  4. Edit WHOIS Information
    • Look for an option like “Edit WHOIS” or “Contact Information”.
    • Update the necessary details, including:
      • Registrant Name
      • Email Address
      • Phone Number
      • Physical Address
  5. Save Changes
    • Review the updated details carefully and click Save or Update.
  6. Verify Changes
    • Depending on your registrar, you may receive an email to confirm the changes. Click the verification link to finalize the update.

Why is it Important to Update WHOIS Information?

  • Ensures you receive critical domain notifications.
  • Avoids domain suspension due to outdated or inaccurate information.
  • Maintains compliance with ICANN rules.


Regularly updating your WHOIS information is essential for uninterrupted domain ownership and compliance. It’s a quick process that ensures you remain in control of your domain.

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