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How to Install WordPress with WP Toolkit in cPanel

WP Toolkit is a powerful tool in cPanel that simplifies the process of installing and managing WordPress. Follow these steps to install WordPress using WP Toolkit:

Step 1: Log in to cPanel

  • Begin by logging into your cPanel account.

Step 2: Access WP Toolkit

  • Scroll down to the Domains section in cPanel.
  • Click on WP Toolkit to open the toolkit interface.

Step 3: Start a New WordPress Installation

  • In the WP Toolkit dashboard, click the Install button located at the top right corner.

Step 4: Configure Installation Settings

  • A new setup screen will appear with several options. Fill in the following details:
    • Choose Domain: Select the domain or subdomain where you want to install WordPress.
    • Installation Path: If you want to install WordPress in a specific directory, specify the folder path. Leave it blank for installation in the root directory.
    • WordPress Version: Choose the version of WordPress you want to install. It’s recommended to select the latest version.
    • Administrator Account: Enter the Admin Username, Password, and Email Address for the WordPress admin account. Make sure to choose a secure password.
    • Website Title: Enter the title for your WordPress site.
    • WordPress Administrator: Username & Password

Step 5: Optional Settings

  • If needed, you can also configure additional settings:
    • Enable Auto-Update: Turn on automatic updates for WordPress, plugins, and themes.
    • Install Plugins: You can select recommended plugins to install along with WordPress

Step 6: Start the Installation

  • After configuring all settings, click the Install button to start the WordPress installation process.

Step 7: Installation in Progress

  • Once click on the install button it will start installing the WordPress and a new screen will open up where installation status appears.

Step 8: Installation Complete

  • Once the installation is complete, you will see a confirmation message. You can now access your new WordPress site by clicking the WP Admin button to log into the WordPress dashboard.
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